Parent-Student Handbook 2024-25 (pdf)
DownloadCommunication between families and the school is of vital importance. Faith Baptist School uses ClassDojo to send reminders of special occasions, share pictures from class events, communicate with parents, and to keep the family and school on the same page.
6:45 - 8:15am Before Care
8:15 - 8:30am Doors are open for student arrival
8:30am - 3:00pm Instructional Day
3:00 - 3:15pm - Student Dismissal
3:15 - 5:30pm - After Care
Monday/Friday: PE
Tuesday/Thursday: German
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Library
All classes get a 30-minute lunch and 30-minute recess daily.
Students' school supplies and curriculum are provided by the school. Students are responsible for bringing a backpack, water bottle, lunch, and snack daily. Students must also bring a large, white T-shirt for art class at the beginning of the school year.
We have a "trashless" lunch policy: all food/drink containers and any remaining food/drinks will be sent back home in the student's lunch box.
FBS does not have a school nurse; therefore, we give first aid only. Students who begin to feel ill while at school, or who are injured at school, will be assessed and parents will be notified.
Parents are encouraged to schedule the administration of student medication while at home. In cases where medication must be administered at school, the following procedures apply:
All medications should be taken directly to the Director's office by the parent. Students are not allowed to carry any medications.
Medications must be in a properly labeled container that includes the directions for administration.
Parents must complete a medication administration form before medication can be administered.
When a student is absent, the parent should communicate with the classroom teacher through ClassDojo. Please give a reason for the absence. Should a student's absence for personal illness exceed three consecutive days, the student must present note from a physician or health clinic. Please refer to the registration paperwork for in-depth policy information.
Parents follow a pre-determined route through the parking lot (see Car Line Map in the "Forms" section). Students will be assisted to and from the building by FBS staff. Drivers must display a provided Car Tag in order to pick up student(s).
Instruction begins promptly at 8:30am; therefore, students should arrive to school no later than 8:25am. Those arriving after 8:30am will have to be signed in by a parent
and will be considered tardy.
To aid students and parents in making decisions about appropriate dress for FBS,
the following guidelines are established:
In the event of inclement weather, FBS will typically follow the Dodea decision on weather-based late start or cancellations. However, we will also send out a message on ClassDojo to confirm closure or late start as soon as we have confirmation.
Faith Baptist School follows the regulations of Rhineland -Pfalz. Social distancing, mask mandates and cleaning protocols are observed at our school when necessary.
Should the government of Germany ask us to close our doors and teach virtually, there will not be a refund or reduction of tuition.
Faith Baptist School
Lichtenbrucher Straße 17, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany
+49 6313187520, or from within Germany 06313187520